
Hello everyone :D

I just want to say that i have been watching my statistics lately, and i cant believe that there are so many people reading this blog :D And i want to thank you so much and that it kinda means allot to me :)

Also on Tuesday i am writing Ancient Greek Exams, and then i am finished :D
Although, where the hell is the point with Ancient Greek???I mean, I personalty will never ever use ancient Greek to speak for example to my sister :I It is absolutely POINTLESS >:( And it is a very difficult lesson in my opinion! If people from all around the world use expressions such as: 'That is Greek to me' Which means I don't understand, then imagine how difficult is to learn Ancient Greek! And there isn't any easy part of it. The Greek language is famous for its rich Vocabulary, weird and difficult Grammar and the emphasis that we use in order to make the word easier to pronounce --...I guess?--. And In ancient greek it is 1000 time harder to write a simple sentence!

Another thing I want to say is that on Friday we went to Saint Lawrence (an English school in Greece) To watch our dad's old teacher giving a speech, because he was getting a pension. My dad was crying from joy, to see that his favorite teacher, was the headmaster of the school, and that he did a such a great job. Although my mom was worried because, before we were about to eat from the buffet, he said that he has got a disease, and feels pain from it so he had to go home, and as he said drink some ouzo! My mom told is that he might have cancer, and he needed his ouzo to relax. She knows because her father (our grandfather) died from cancer at 2005. At this, short of celebration we had to wear dresses and ballerinas. But i didn't wear those special socks because i thought that they were too view-able. As a result, my the back of my feet got badly hurt. Also, the school was on a hill, so there was allot of wind, and because my dress was a bit short and the fabric was light-wight, my dress was getting lifted all the time by the wind. and i got so embarrassed. After we ate a few baklavadakia ☺, we went home.

Yesterday i didn't do anything, at all

But today, my mom went to vote for the elections, my dad went to ride his bicycle, i watched Dexter (the  boy genius) while waiting for Emie to wake up. Before my dad left, he asked me whether i prefer to eat today Pasta, otherwise he is going to get some chicken from Koronia, I said koronia because we lately are chicken very often. Then, when my sister woke up and my dad returned, we watched the last 3 episodes from the office. Emie didn't watch the last two.I;m getting upset because Stephen Merchant and Ricky Gervais are currently by two favourite celebrities/comedians/ awesome people and I have none to talk to about them :I I really like their sense of humor and everything they have done.

That is all for today :).
Before i end this text, I will like to ask you people to comment so that i can understand if you like me talking about my miserble life or not, and maybe, because i dont have any friends, at all if someone of you would like to be my friend :3?

Ok! Bye for now
 xxx Mary ♥

P.s. I you want to, you can follow me on twitter :) (https://twitter.com/#!/mairi_c0n)

Finally ♥

So the english exams were very easy  It had two parts. The first part was the reading and the second was grammar.
The text was about a girl named Alice who was teased because of the way she dressed and spoke.
I tryed to make the answers look like was written by a sir . Because I used phrases such as: Therefore, aswell, As a result etc.
I like writing english and greek texts. My english teacher told me that I should be a writer. Once she asked us to write a small story from a given paragraph which said:
Sometime i was somewhere in my cabin in a type of night...I was siting while doing something until I heard I noise...I went to look and something happened...Then i returned and i did something but that nose was heard again...I went to look and something strange happened.

So, basicly we had to rewrite this paragraph but we had to add more details. We hjad to make it wether scary, serious or funny.
Ofcourse i chose scary, because i am good at it.
When i gave it to her, she read it and she looked suprised. Then she asked me if she could read it in class.
When she started reading everyone was quiet and seemed serious. At the end, everyone clapped and said that it was awesome.
But then my teacher kinda ruiunded by saying that i have got a terrible terrible spelling. Actuelly i didnt mind much because I was so happy for the fact that everyone enjoyed it and asked me questions about it.

When i went home, I really wanted to read it to my family. My sister liked it, but my mom told me that i am kinda freaky and that is should be writing other kinds of stories. Even thought i dont really think that she understood much. Ecxept from blood scream mom dad and knife.
My dad thought that my English is very good and that when we go traveling to another country i would be the one incharge with the communications. But, he wondered why was my grade 17/20 since my english is so good.

Anyway, when the exams finished, i went straight to starbucks to take my cofee. Frappuccino again
On my way to starbucks, i saw some anoying girls shouting like omg WHATTTTT?? and the reminded me of that facebook meme girl [link] They were all short fat and ugly and thought that they were popular. They were wearing shorts, had their sunglasses on theirheads and wore sunglasses. So, they were argueing about something and they were calling each other sweeatey love my girl, in which in greek sounds like the lamest thing in the word. (Emie you will understand  )
I continued and i was very anoyed. So, when i arrived, it was full of highschool students. When i took my order, i saw some other people same age as  me who ordered tea :I
I went back to school, and finished my cofee outside the library.

So, i got in and started writing my journal.
A few minuted later, 3 girls gotin thelibrary and sat next to me. The point is that these girls were girls that i hated so much. I knew them  for 4 years. We were in the same class and i wanted to be friends with the two ofthem because I was friends with the other one, wich she is stuuupid. Elizabeth and Katerina. They were my best friends. but something happened and i stoped being friend with them. So next i tryed being frind with the some other girls. But they avoided me.


Soo, I just finished my biology exams and it didn't go well. Well, it makes sense since i didnt study hard as i supposed to to...
I am so hungry, but i am afraid to go to starbucks, because i remembered the fact that the guard told me that if i leave i wont be able to go back, and I have got English exams next, which is a piece of cake

Now i blame myself for giving that extra 10 euros to my starbucks card...If only our school cantin accepted the starbucks card... <:I

But the reason of my hunger, is that my dad woke me up at 7:45am, but the buss leaves at 7:30am. And thats because my dad thought that Emie was writing exams today. And Emie... Instead of telling dad that I was the one who was giving exams, she was acting normal...and i didnt have time to eats or somthing

So now i am going to die in any minute thanks to that.

Anyway, about the conversations, The only one that i have today is the one which i woke up, so if you are interested (lolnope) i will write again a journal in at leat 3 hours.

Now that I am in the library, I am kinda pissed because everyone here is shouting. BUT ISNT THIS SUPPOSED TO BE A FREAKING LIBRRY!?

I'm also pissed because i wanted to go to the buss today to talk to my friends, and show to Peter some motherfucking awesome pucking rainbows song that i downloaded yesterday

Also, I'm just wondering, if i'm swearing too much, because no one else in my age does that, in english and THAT much. Once I swore when my mom was infront of me, and she yelled at me and told me to stop because 'thats not was ladies do'. But that is lame. People can swear, nomater who they are, unless they are under 10 or the queen of england. But I think that she swears aswell. 'Whaaat? Prince William is marring a model???BOLOCKS!!!!' I mean, seriusly, there isnt a person who hasnt swore ever.Except of thw pope. Well... about that, I am pretty sure that he does it too.

ahh man out of topic.

I dont know what to do.

I'm bored.

And hungry.

And sleepy.


Free frappuccino!!! + Today's conversations.

Hello again
I am so excited right now ^(owo)^ <~lolwtf.
I have got an idea to make my journal more interesting. I am going to write down the most interesting converstation of today!!!

Anyway, i went to Starbucks (I went there because it is fghjking awesome and it is close to my school, plus is it is easy to go there because they builted a bridge. The bridge is very important, they builted it because a kid died from a traffic in order to go to starbucks <:I) And on my way, i saw two classmates of mine coming back from starbucks, ( I will write the conversation later below)so i said hello and stuff and i continued walking. Later, when i arrived, I remembered that my dad told us (emie and i) to go and refill our starbucks card. But we kinda forgot about it so i did it today. Dad gave us 20 euros, but i had 10 more so I asked them to add +10. I ordered my frappuccino and she told me that if i refill my card over 25 euros, I will get my frappucchino for free!!! So i did. When my frappuccino was ready, I saw some friend of mine getting in the shop. (Convertation below again)They told me that they were going to buy milkshakes, and tea because they were not allowed to drink coffe (we are 12 yeaes old) And they were suprised to see that i got a coffe, AND it was for free. I kinda felt like awesome and badass for a lame reason. I said goobye and i left. On my previous journal i said that i was going to sit on the bridge and drink coffe while listening to music and drawing. But i didnt because the bench was hothothot and the weather was hothothot aswell. I got kinda upset because i really liked the idea, and the view was amazing. But i couldnt. So unfortunetly i had to return. On my way to shcool, i saw those to class mates again on one of their mums car. I thought that it would be nice to say goodbye, so I waved and smiled, she felt akward and she gave a crappy smile and waved like shit. Then i noticed that she was watching my frappuccino, and i saw that she was drinking chocolate cream. -badassnes +100- And the other girl waved at me and she was holding water and a waffle cookie -badassnes +200-. I know that all this badassnes i feel is lame, but thats how i think. So wen i arrived at the gate of my school i showed my card and i got in. The guard came close to me and said, "You are not supposed to come in, but for you, i'll let you in..." I looked at him like he was a creep and I said "uhh...thanks..."
So i walked and stoped outside the library, because i thought that i had to finish my coffe. Now, I have got a headake because of all the ice.


Conversation 1#
At the school library, i sat down to write my journal. Then two anoying people came and sat behind me. They were two boys same age from the Athens College. [Our school is in Psuchiko. And it is separated in two schools Psychiko College (Mine Emie's and Peters ) and Athens College.] At first he hitted me with a book in the back of my head.
'Whatch out >'
So i continued writing my journal. And he started shouting out his franch lesson. Afterwards he came next to me with a stack of notes holding in his hands.
'Hey there girl, if you want to you can have my ancient greek notes' and he droped then in front of me.
'Fuck off okay?'
'No, its okay you can have them...'
He saw how pissed i was and he threw them in to a bin.
'So girl, in which class are you'?
'First of middle school.'
'Oh, you are too old for me, im first class of high school...'
I looked at his french books and said
'Yeah...I dont really think so.'
Then a guy that was actuelly form high school looked at him and said
'Dude, you are really lame'
'Shut up kid or ill beat the crap out of you'
'Whatever man, you are just pethetic'
I smiled and then i looked at his screen
'Hey, i see you like memecenter!' I said
'Yeah, i go there every day, I am suprised to see that a girl knows memes, epesially in greece!'
Then the anoying one said
'I know memecenter, and it is awesome' He said it with a really anoying atitude
Then the high school dude and i laughed so i said,
'Oh really? Then what is your favourite meme?
'Uhhhh.....I dont remember...'
'Yeah, like we believe you!'
'whatever man i dont care!'
Then i talked with the memecenter guy for 5 mins. but then he had ot go to write examns and I went to starbucks.

Conversation 2#
When i left school i saw two girls classmates, and i said Hello
'Hey Mary! SO, are you going to Starbucks?'
'Yeah, i have got this card, and they said that whatever I buy with it i will het 10% off, and i have got to refill it..'
'That is so cool and you are so lucky!, We are going back to school and he will maybe go for a walk there, So what are you going to buy?'
'Well, i will either but Caramel cream, or a frappuccino. What about you?'
'Ughh...Coffe and sweets...'
'Oh thats cool! The coffe there is great and it is not very strong!'
'Yeah, i guess...Anyway we have to go now...'
'Ok well see ya!'
And i continied on my way to starbucks.

Converstation 3#
So I went inside starbucks, and I saw only a few people that i knew.
'Hello there! May i take your order?'
'Yes please, but before i do that can i please refil my card please?'
'Sure! How much?'
'I've got 30 euros with me'
'Perfect! Now, what would you like?'
'Umm... I would like a Frappuccino please'
'But, uhm, you're... With coffe?'
'Yes please. I order that allot of times, i know what is in it'
'Sure sweetie! Whats you're name?'
When i waited, she said
'Excuse me Mary, But since you have refiled you card with more that 25 euros, you will take your Frappuccino for free!'
'Really?!, Wow that is awesome!'

So my frappuccino was ready, then i saw some friend of mine getting in
'Hey Mary! How's it going?'
'Good, thanks'
'What did you get?'
'A frappuccino, and i got it for free!'
'WHAT?? How?'
Well I had this card here and now that i refiled it they told me that i had it for free'
'Thats cool! You're lucky you got coffe, Our mums wont let us buy, so we are going to get milkshakes and tea...'
'Well, im sure that you are going to get coffe soon. But, I have to go now...See ya!'
So i left like a badass.

So that is it for today and i hope that you read the whole thing, and if you read it i hope you liked it!

That is all! For now
  Bye Bye
~ Mary♥

Harro der (2 days, 11 hours ago)

I just finished my Greek exams and it was easy.
Now i am going to starbucks alone since emie didnt came <:I

Anyway, i hate the fact that the library is so fucking loud. And all the annoying people are in here.
So I'm thinking about drinking coffe, and go sit at the bridge while listening to music and drawing. It is a great idea, since i have nothing to do.
When i go home I am going to talk more about the people in here, because i dont want anyone to see this

Anywhore now i will go

Thats all for now,
~Mary ♥

Odyssey and French exams :I (1 week, 9 hours ago)

Well, I just finished todays exams and now i'm in the library,and this computer sucks because the space button doesent work >:I
Anyway, wrote down some notes from a book about psychopathism, and they are all pretty much interesting. And i also am really hungry, but if i go and buy something, then i wont have place to eat.


I dont have something to say, to be honest.

Mairicon ♥

Allos everyone :D (+Atheism) (May 31, 2012, 12:33:44 AM)

So I'm again in the school library. I finished the literature exams and i have so many thing to do here. Seriusly. But the problem is that i am really hungry.

Anyway my point is that I am currently questioning about God. I Really want to talk to someone about this, but i as Emie says i dont want to change anyones mind about God. And no, Emie, Its not Ricky Gervais's fault, I've been questioning myself since November.

So I am searching for books that talk about Atheism and Gods existance. Thou In my opinion, God does not exist, since we dont have ANY proof about him, Jesus and i dont believe in the bible. Nothing to be honest.

Another problem is that there are so many anoying people in here that ares shouting, laughing and there are some friends of mine in here that i really like, but i dont want them to see me with a bunch of atheism books, until i am 100% sure that i am an atheist.

Although i feel bad because for 12 years I've been a christian and my mum really believes in God and stuff. And also i am using alot th "Oh my God" expressions.

I will talk with my religious teacher about this. And when i will be 100% percent sure about atheism I might ask to not take religious class.

So now i am waiting for Emie, and the people in here REALLY Annoy me!!!

Goodbye, for now ♥

YAYYY :D (May 24, 2012, 12:41:44 AM)

I am now at the schools library again  I finished the Geography exams a few minutes ago and i am pretty sure that i will get a good grade! Now I have no idea what to do and I dont know where the flipnote is  Emie (lolwhatflipnote 8D)

Anyway, the bad news are that due to get out of school with our parents or with friends or whatever, whe need a special peace of paper that has got our parents signature and schools aproval. BUT im pretty sure that I left it at home. Hopefully Emie brought it, so that i can say that she is my sister, which is true btw, and then we can go . If not then we are screwed because we will have to what for 4 hours >:I 

I dont really have a problem with that, but unfortunetly i am REALLY hungry and we dont have any money... So we will die, OR i can eat Emie instead. 

Well, I hope that I will see Emie soon beacuse i am bored and hungry <:U

I am such an idiot :( (May 22, 2012, 12:50:42 AM)

Today we wrote Math exams. I have been preparing myself for this for a couple of months. I was so sure that i will write 19-20/20.The last 30 minutes i screwed up. The most of thr class left, I started getting nervus smd i paniced! I wrote as quickly as i could and I'm pretty sure now that I'm going to get maximum 14. I am really upset right now and I feel mostly bad for my parents, Beacuse im sure that they will get really mad at me. I really want to go home, (im in my schoold library) but Emie is writing exams and the school busses are leavening after she finishes, therefore I cannot leave. I have absolutly nothing to do here. I dont want to be on the internet beacuse i look like a stupid foreveralone persone. Which is kinda true now that i think about it... Anyway I want to suicide and punch myself beacuse i hate me. Thats all for now :I

Hello 8D

I'm sorry for not writing lately but I have got final exams and i need to study :I

I am going to upload some stuff that i wrote on my journal on deviantArt when i was at my schools library.

So I hope that you will find them interesting :D