So the english exams were very easy It had two parts. The first part was the reading and the second was grammar.
The text was about a girl named Alice who was teased because of the way she dressed and spoke.
I tryed to make the answers look like was written by a sir . Because I used phrases such as: Therefore, aswell, As a result etc.
I like writing english and greek texts. My english teacher told me that I should be a writer. Once she asked us to write a small story from a given paragraph which said:
Sometime i was somewhere in my cabin in a type of night...I was siting while doing something until I heard I noise...I went to look and something happened...Then i returned and i did something but that nose was heard again...I went to look and something strange happened.
So, basicly we had to rewrite this paragraph but we had to add more details. We hjad to make it wether scary, serious or funny.
Ofcourse i chose scary, because i am good at it.
When i gave it to her, she read it and she looked suprised. Then she asked me if she could read it in class.
When she started reading everyone was quiet and seemed serious. At the end, everyone clapped and said that it was awesome.
But then my teacher kinda ruiunded by saying that i have got a terrible terrible spelling. Actuelly i didnt mind much because I was so happy for the fact that everyone enjoyed it and asked me questions about it.
When i went home, I really wanted to read it to my family. My sister liked it, but my mom told me that i am kinda freaky and that is should be writing other kinds of stories. Even thought i dont really think that she understood much. Ecxept from blood scream mom dad and knife.
My dad thought that my English is very good and that when we go traveling to another country i would be the one incharge with the communications. But, he wondered why was my grade 17/20 since my english is so good.
Anyway, when the exams finished, i went straight to starbucks to take my cofee. Frappuccino again
On my way to starbucks, i saw some anoying girls shouting like omg WHATTTTT?? and the reminded me of that facebook meme girl [link] They were all short fat and ugly and thought that they were popular. They were wearing shorts, had their sunglasses on theirheads and wore sunglasses. So, they were argueing about something and they were calling each other sweeatey love my girl, in which in greek sounds like the lamest thing in the word. (Emie you will understand )
I continued and i was very anoyed. So, when i arrived, it was full of highschool students. When i took my order, i saw some other people same age as me who ordered tea :I
I went back to school, and finished my cofee outside the library.
So, i got in and started writing my journal.
A few minuted later, 3 girls gotin thelibrary and sat next to me. The point is that these girls were girls that i hated so much. I knew them for 4 years. We were in the same class and i wanted to be friends with the two ofthem because I was friends with the other one, wich she is stuuupid. Elizabeth and Katerina. They were my best friends. but something happened and i stoped being friend with them. So next i tryed being frind with the some other girls. But they avoided me.
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