I just woke up at 1:00 pm xD, and i am really dizzy...
I also saw a really creepy-weird dream. Which it actually got weird in the end
So, i was at a school bus, and school was finally over, but I was alone because my sister was doing extras (French i think :P) And in the school bus was also my cousin Alexandros, who is 15 i think and goes in a different school that mine. We were playing COD on the buss's TV. When we got bored, he asked me to go and change the game. I didn't want to go because i was probably bored. But when i decided to stand up, it started to rain, Blood. Everyone got scared and I saw a girl at the corner of the bus and she was crying and holding her hair. All of her friend were crying as well and were asking her what is wrong. She couldn't reply, she was whispering things that none could understand. She also looked like she was suffering. I dont know what happened to my cousin, I guess he disappeared.
Afterwards i decided to go outside the buss, to see what is happening. I heard people screaming and shouting for help. I still had no idea what happened. But then i heard a woman screaming something about zombies. And then she want inside her house. This thing took place nearby my house. So i started running to go home. I really wanted to know if the rest of my family was okay. When i was about 100 meters away from my home, i heard some kids around my age talking to me. One boy said "Hey Mary! Its me from school" I had no idea if he was a zombie, so i didn't stop for him. Then he started running and he went close to me. with him was another boy who was 1 year younger that me (i knew him). He talked to me but i didn't remember what he was talking about. I continued walking towards my home. He followed me. When i finally arrived home I saw some other people nearby my age. i got angry because they were blocking my way, Plus they wanted to get inside my house. Even though i know that that was wrong. I git angry and i started yelling at them. One girl, who was probably the leader, told me that they don't want to hurt me and that they aren't zombies either, she gave me her knife, which it was like, three knifes together. Afterwards, i opened the garage door for them. I started running where my mom's and dad's car were supposed to be. But their cars were missing... I started crying and panicking. I thought were they could be, but i was sure that they were not turned into zombies. Then i got inside my house. Everyone left their stuff inside our rooms , (my mom and dad's, my sister's, and mine) Then, we gathered to the kitchen, I was still crying. Then the girl that gave me that weird knife took strawberries from the kitchen, with whipped cream and some other things. I got really dizzy and cried, really hard this time. I looked at the clock and shouted "Where is Emie???Where is everyone???They cant be hurt!!!" The clock was splashed with blood. then i fainted and i woke up, in real life.
When i woke up, i wasn't sure if, what happened in my dream, was real. I really wanted to see my mom, cause since dad is at work, and Emie wakes up at 2:00 to 3:00 pm. she would be the only one that was awake. I seriously hoped that she would be there and that this... whole thing was just a dream, beacuse I felt everything, The tears, the rain, everything. But thank got ( well, since i am writing to you right now) Everything is just fine :)
But i still am VERY dizzy, and my head and eyes hurt, very much. And we have to go to the church, since today it is the epitaph...
Anyway i have to go to dress up =m=